Welcome to American Martyrs Catholic Church
Welcome to American Martyrs Catholic Church
Pastor: Msgr. Joseph O. Gouin
Rectory: 908 West Sagola Avenue
Parish Office: 906-774-0630
Parish Fax: 906-774-4417
Parish Email: frjoe@att.net
Parish Website: americanmartyrskg.org
Father Hughes Hall: 906-774-2850
Faith Formation Office: 906-774-9970
Religious Education Email: americanmartyrsff@gmail.com
Liturgical Music Organist: Mary Lee - 906-774-1546
Bishop Baraga Catholic School: Angela Oller - Principal
Bishop Baraga Catholic School: 906-774-2277
Bishop Baraga Catholic School Website: www.baragaup.com
Parish Council President: Bill Edberg - 906-282-7136